Our Digestive system breaks down the nutrients in the food and drinks we consume. These smaller molecules are converted into energy that our body uses for growth and repair. Depending on the nutrients, it may impact our immune system.
When we keep a healthy balance and follow a digestive health program, chances are low to have health issues with the intestinal tract.
But what if that fails—
Our gut is naturally porous and our body absorbs nutrients through the intestinal lining. When the lining gets damaged, the toxic and harmful bacteria can gain access through the holes in the intestinal walls, which leads into the bloodstream. The result can be inflammation, bloating, stool changes, and fatigue. This can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome, though it's not yet approved as a medical condition.
Signs that you may have a leaky gut:
Sensitive to Food
Leaky gut causes inflammation and can trigger a reaction in your immune system, which may cause a negative response to certain foods. Try to avoid consuming spicy foods, dairy, eggs, gluten, citrus and soy. Stick to a stricter meal plan for a couple of weeks to define if that makes any change of how you feel.
Joint Pain
When your immune system is fighting it responds with antibodies to destroy the antigen. Inflammation spreads through your body and reaches various tissues and organs including skeletal muscles and joints, leading to joint pain.
Chronic Diarrhea, Constipation, or Bloating
These are a common symptoms when the GI tract is not working properly. You may consume certain foods and shortly after you feel bloated. You may also find yourself running to the bathroom after consuming something that doesn’t sit right with your gut. Constipation is also another symptom that may occur.
In some instances, it may be wise to consult with your doctor if these systems are present.
Skin Complications
Though the connection of skin and the GI tract is indefinite, it may have an effect on the skin. Some common skin issues linked to Leaky Gut Syndrome may be acne, eczema and psoriasis.
High Blood Sugar
Gut microbes influence the glucose level in blood. Leaky gut can worsen the insulin resistance which is a crucial hormone to keep the blood sugar in balance. In addition, Leaky Gut Syndrome can lead to further health obstacles.
Leaky gut may cause:
- fatigue
- headaches
- confusion
- difficulty concentrating
Medical experts cannot yet define the key reasons why leaky gut happens. However, they have distinguished some risk factors such as:
- poor nutrition
- alcohol consumption
- infections
- autoimmune disorders, such as lupus
- diabetes
- stress
Leaky gut is not yet identified as a medical condition and the reason for it remains undefined. However, research shows the common symptoms of this particular disease. It is important monitor your body and gut when you start to feel uncomfortable in those areas. Gut health is crucially important as the inflammation can reach other parts of your body. Be attentive to your health and try to avoid toxic food/drinks in your daily diet. Remember, a healthy gut is a happy gut!
Credit: Nelly Nazaryan with rosewellness.com